Dismissal & Withdrawal

LMU-CDM reserves the right to dismiss any CDM student at any time prior to graduation.

Circumstances warranting such action may be of an academic, legal, or professional nature. It is imperative that any student who leaves LMU-CDM for any reason follows the approved check-out procedure before their dismissal, withdrawal, or Leave of Absence is final. Failure to complete this exit procedure will cause LMU-CDM to withhold all records pertaining to student attendance. The check-out procedure is as follows:

  1. If the student is withdrawing, he or she must supply the Associate Dean of Faculty, and Students, with a letter of resignation. The student’s transcript will note the date of the withdrawal.
  2. If the student is being dismissed, the Dean of LMU-CDM should inform the Associate Dean of Faculty and students of the dismissal as soon as possible. The Associate Dean of Faculty and Students communicates with the student who is being dismissed that a check-out procedure is required.
  3. As soon as the Office of Admissions and Student Services is formally notified of the student leaving school, it will produce a memorandum stating the change in the student’s status to all LMU-CDM offices and faculty. Before leaving campus, the student must undergo an exit interview with the Admissions and Student Services Office.
  4. When the student completes all these obligations, LMU- CDM will then release student records upon the proper request. Dismissal and check-out forms are available in the LMU-CDM Associate Dean of Faculty and Students. The student’s transcript will note the date of the dismissal.