Appeal Process

Appeal Process

A student wishing to appeal against the decision of the SPC must submit a letter to the Appeals Board within 5 working days of receiving notification of that decision. The student’s status will remain unchanged until the appeal process is finalized. Appeals may only be made in reference to the Student Progress Committee and/or the Dean following LMU-CDM policies and procedures; no other grounds for appeal will be accepted.

Appeals Board

The Appeals Board will be composed of the Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, the LMU Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs, the LMU-CDM Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and the LMU-CDM Associate Dean for Faculty and Students. The Appeals Board will review all written information pertaining to the case. The job of the Appeals Board is to determine if LMU-CDM policies and procedures relating to the case were followed and that no gross misapplication of fact occurred. They will meet with the student but not with witnesses or other complainants. The Appeals Board’s decision will be forwarded to the student in writing by email, by certified mail to his or her last official address or hand delivered with a receipt. All decisions of the Appeals Board will be final and binding. No further option for appeal will be considered.