General Guidelines

Identification Badges

A picture identification card (ID) will be made for all students free of charge. A $10.00 fee will be charged for replacing lost ID's. The card should be retained over all semesters that the student is enrolled at LMU-CDM. All registered students must carry their ID and surrender their ID card if asked by a staff member of the institution (including Resident Assistants, Resident Directors, and Security). All valid IDs are used for identification, to check out library books, to obtain admission to most campus activities, entrance into LMU-CDM facilities, and are useful as a form of identification in the surrounding community as well. It is the student's responsibility to have the ID validated each semester with the Office of Admissions and Student Services. A possible fine of $25.00 will be assessed to any student not in possession of his/her LMU-CDM student I.D. upon request by LMU personnel.

All LMU-CDM students must have their University ID badge visibly above the waist when on campus or in any LMU facility.

Any student on campus after-hours or on weekends requesting facility access must have an LMU ID badge to verify identity. Campus Police & Security will need to see your LMU ID badge before you gain access to the facility. If you have forgotten your LMU ID badge you may be asked to show a picture ID, such as a driver’s license. If you can’t provide an LMU ID Badge or valid Driver’s License/State approved ID, access may be denied.


Official LMU Holidays (Offices closed/no classes): In addition to the mid-semester break which varies from year to year; CDM is closed on the following days: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Day following Thanksgiving, December week of administrative closing; January 1 observed holiday; Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July.


Vacation dates for the first and second-year dental hygiene students, and first- and second-year CDM students can be found in the Academic Calendar. Third- and fourth-year dental students will have scheduled time off based on their rotation schedule set by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and/or Clinical Education Dean.

Inclement Weather

Campus closure due to incremental weather is announced on local radio and TV stations and posted on the LMU website. LMU-CDM will also make official announcements via university email. It is the student’s responsibility to stay abreast of weather conditions and notifications.


The University provides parking facilities for faculty, staff, students, and patients. Students can park in any lot except the G level of the LMU tower, which is reserved for faculty and staff affiliated with LMU.

All CDM students, faculty, and staff vehicles must be registered with the University Office of Student Services during the completion of academic registration. Vehicle registration covers one academic year, ending on the last day of the summer session. A registration fee of $30.00 is assessed per dental hygiene or dental student. Parking tags are issued upon registration and indicate status as student or faculty/staff. Tags must be visible on the rear windshield. Parking tags are transferable to other vehicles.

Students are required to park in designated student parking spaces and lots. Any unauthorized vehicle parked in Visitors or Staff/Faculty spaces will be issued a ticket by Campus Police and Security. LMU parking is not designed for long term storage of vehicles. If a vehicle is left on-campus during a break or vacation the student does so at their own risk. LMU employees are not responsible for monitoring the status of the car during the break.

Building Hours

All CDM students can access the LMU Tower building with their LMU ID Badge.

  • With the exception of holidays and other administrative closings, students can access the CDM 24/7.
  • The main doors (front and back) to the buildings are unlocked Monday – Friday, 6:00 am – 6:00 pm. When entering any building outside of building hours, students must use their ID Badge to enter and remain in the building.
  • ID Badge must be worn and visible at all times. If a student forgets their badge, they must present ID such as a valid Driver’s license and sign in with security in Knoxville.

Campus Police and Security

The LMU Tower campus has an on-campus police force that provides supervision for the entire campus in conjunction with LMU standards and policies and State of Tennessee certification requirements. The LMU Campus Police and Security Team is professionally trained and licensed by the State of Tennessee. Security is administered and monitored through the LMU Office of Student Services. At least one police officer is on duty seven days per week, 24 hours per day to secure campus facilities, protect and assist campus students, personnel, visitors and to monitor traffic regulations.  All CDM students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to report criminal activity and any other safety concerns as soon as safely possible. Upon request, reports can be submitted through a "voluntary confidential reporting process."

At the LMU Tower, security is provided by Lincoln Memorial Security. The Security team is professionally trained and licensed by the State of Tennessee.

Campus Police and Security provides numerous services to the LMU community, including but not limited to vehicle patrols, foot patrols, door locks and unlocks, escort service after hours, camera monitoring, and dispatching for both emergency and non-emergency situations.

LMU utilizes the LiveSafe emergency notification system to alert university members in the event of an emergency. To download the LiveSafe App: 1) visit the Google Play or App Store and search for “LiveSafe” 2) Download the app, register with your LMU email, and complete your profile 3) Search for “Lincoln Memorial University” as your school.

In the event of an emergency or any other security need, look for an officer or phone the Security Office at (423) 526-6911 or phone the Associate Dean of Faculty, and Students at (865) 370-2121.


The LMU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) will be published online by October 1st of each year and can be found at: 

The LMU ASFSR contains three previous years of crime statistics, campus policies and procedures, including: alcohol, drug, weapons, sexual violence, etc., and law enforcement authority. This publication is required to be incompliance with the Clery Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

To request a paper copy, contact the Clery Act Compliance Coordinator at 423-869-6301 or in person at: Tex Turner Arena, 330 Mars/DeBusk Parkway, Harrogate, TN  37752.