Student Progress Committee

Role of SPC

The purpose of the Student Progress Committee (SPC) at LMU-CDM is to ensure that every graduate possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and judgment to responsibly perform as a dentist or dental hygienist. The SPC monitors student progress, ensuring all students meet the academic and professional standards required for curriculum advancement and graduation. This includes oversight of promotion, remediation, probation, leave of absence, expansion, reprimand, suspension, dismissal, licensing exam performance, compliance, and graduation. Additionally, the SPC recommends students for honors and graduation awards.

Each student case is reviewed individually, adhering to LMU-CDM’s Standards, with flexibility allowed when circumstances justify it. The SPC assesses a student's record for concerns regarding academic performance or conduct. If a student's overall record reflects unsatisfactory progress or reports of unacceptable conduct, the SPC decides the appropriate action through voting.

Graduation requirements include:

  • Successful completion of all curricular requirements.
  • Demonstration of conduct in line with LMU-CDM’s academic and professional standards.

Evaluator concerns about a student’s performance or conduct can lead to failure to meet graduation requirements, even if all curricular elements and exams are passed.

Grades and evaluations from course, block, thread, and clerkship directors form the basis of SPC decisions. The SPC does not handle grade appeals, as this responsibility lies with the Curriculum Committee.

The SPC does not investigate allegations of unacceptable conduct. The Ethics and Honor Code Committee handles such inquiries. Once their investigation is complete, the SPC reviews confirmed violations and determines the necessary actions.

Composition of SPC and Voting Process

The SPC consists of 8-10 voting members from the LMU-CDM faculty, appointed by the Dean of LMU-CDM. One member serves as the Chair. A quorum is achieved when 51% of the voting members are present. Decisions are made by most of those present. The Chair votes only when needed to achieve quorum, break a tie, or create a tie to allow for further discussion.

Ex-officio (non-voting) members may attend meetings to provide relevant information about individual students or insights into LMU-CDM’s curriculum. Current ex-officio members include but are not limited to:

  • Associate Dean for Student and Faculty
  • Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Dean of Clinical Affairs
  • Registrar
  • Student Advisor
  • Chair of Student Ethics and Honor Committee
  • Faculty and Staff

Decisions Made on Behalf of SPC

The SPC Chair can convene a subcommittee consisting of the Chair and at least three SPC members to urgently review cases. If a scheduled SPC meeting does not reach a quorum, it can also function as a subcommittee.

If a student accepts a decision made by the subcommittee, the decision is presented to the full SPC at the next scheduled meeting for informational purposes only. However, if a student does not accept the decision, they can request a full review by the SPC at the next meeting. In such cases, the student maintains their current status and does not proceed with the recommended program or remediation until their case is reviewed by the full SPC.

Only the full SPC can recommend suspension or dismissal; these actions cannot be decided by the subcommittee.


The SPC maintains strict confidentiality regarding students' academic performance and progress in the dental school program. The following individuals are aware of a student's status or are informed as necessary to support the student's successful progress:

  • SPC chair and SPC
  • Faculty and staff who serve as ex-officio members
  • The student’s mentor. Academic advisors are informed of any action taken by SPC regarding one of their students.
  • Relevant staff members who schedule appointments with deans, schedule students in courses and clerkships, write letters of good standing, and/or maintain academic files.
  • Block, thread, course, and clerkship directors (or designees) who present or provide information to SPC about students having difficulty in their curricular component, and who need to manage remediation.
  • Anyone with a legitimate need to know as defined by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

 All SPC members and students appearing before the SPC must sign a confidentiality agreement form. Failure to sign this form will result in the member being removed from the committee and the student facing direct dismissal from the program. This form must be signed within 24 hours of receipt.

Conflict of Interest

Voting and ex-officio members of the SPC may have relationships with students under review. To prevent conflicts of interest, SPC members are required to disclose any conflicts and recuse themselves from student reviews, interviews, discussions, and voting when the student in question is:

  • A friend or family member
  • Related to a colleague or friend (child, spouse, etc.)
  • A current or former patient of the SPC member
  • In any other relationship with the SPC member, past or present, that creates a conflict of interest.

A faculty member recusing themselves will physically leave the meeting room during the review, interview, discussion, and vote portions of the SPC process for the student with whom the faculty member has a conflict of interest.

Course, preclinical, and clinical directors may serve on SPC. When a student is under discussion because of a deficiency of a given SPC member’s course, the SPC member is required to recuse themselves from the interview, discussion, and vote. However, that faculty member should inform SPC about that student’s performance in their course before leaving the meeting. This faculty member does not need to recuse themselves from future meetings if the same student is reviewed for different deficiencies.

Students whose case will be reviewed by the SPC or who will be interviewed by SPC, are given a list of SPC members in advance to report any conflict of interest. If no conflict of interest is reported by the student within 24 hours of receiving the list, no recusals will be considered. If students identify any conflicts of interest, they can report them to the SPC chair, who will assess and determine if recusal is necessary.

Events that Result in Review by SPC

SPC Review means that the student’s entire record, including academic performance, evaluator concerns, and findings from any LMU-CDM misconduct processes are presented to SPC for discussion and determination of actions.

  • Failing Grades. Students receiving failing grades in course exams are reviewed by SPC.
  • Failure to Achieve Competency. Students receiving this designation in a course, or preclinical lab are reviewed by SPC.
  • Failure to Complete Clinical Competency Evaluation (CCE). Students who fail to successfully complete a CCE in the appropriate timeline will be reviewed by SPC.
  • Evaluator Concerns. Evaluator concerns are internal notes and do not appear in the Dental Student Performance records. Faculty members can submit these concerns through written statements describing specific performance issues. These concerns are then reviewed by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Student. If a student has multiple evaluator concerns or additional academic or conduct issues, the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students will refer the student to the SPC for further review.
  • Incomplete. A student who must leave a course, a preclinical lab or clinic rotation or miss an assignment, quiz or exam or make-up quiz or make-up exam due to illness or a personal emergency may be granted an “incomplete” by the Dean of Faculty and Student. If the student does not complete the work by the deadline set up by the SPC and/or course director, the incomplete will convert to a Fail and will be reviewed by SPC. Students assigned “I” in a course(s) cannot be promoted to the next semester unless they complete the course
  • Registrar Drop. Students who must leave a course, preclinical lab or clinic rotation due to illness, personal emergency, or because they have been placed on a leave of absence, will receive a grade designation of “Registrar Drop, when permitted by the appropriate course director in consultation with an Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Students are not allowed to take a Registrar Drop to avoid failing a course, or preclinical labs. A student who does not complete a course and does not have permission to take a Registrar Drop will be assigned a grade of fail. All Registrar Drops are reported to SPC.
  • Former Quarter Drop. Students may consult with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to begin the process of receiving a grade designation of Former Quarter Drop.
  • Failure to Complete LMU-CDM Compliance Requirements. Non-compliance with essential requirements will be reviewed by the SPC at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • Violations of LMU-CDM’s Academic or Professionalism Standards. SPC defines academic and professionalism standards of conduct by referring to LMU/LMU-CDM Policy on Professional Conduct, LMU/LMU-CDM Standards of Conduct and Professional Behavior Policy, and LMU/LMU-CDM Student Conduct Code. These standards together are referred to as “LMU/LMU-CDM’s academic and professionalism standards.”  When an alleged violation of LMU/LMU-CDM’s academic and professionalism standards occurs, The Ethic and Honor Committee manages the process. When a formal or informal hearing occurs, the Chair of SPC should receive the report and the SPC will determine actions. The SPC may or may not interview the student. Even if no interviews take place with SPC, the student (under investigation) is still required to sign the conflict of interest and the confidentiality forms. For students attending any meetings, the following are prohibited unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students: (1) electronic recording of the meeting (2) invitation of legal counsel or uninvited individuals.

Actions and Sanctions for Managing Students

When conducting a review, the SPC examines a student's deficiencies and entire school record, including academic performance, conduct, and evaluator concerns, to decide on an appropriate course of action. Various actions or alternatives will be applied as needed for individual cases. The SPC can also establish timelines for completing these actions and criteria for future performance. The student will be notified of the plan in writing and will collaborate with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to implement it.

SPC Actions include but are not limited to:

·       Allow Remediation and academic probation

·       Disciplinary Warning/Letter of Reprimand

·       Requirement for Work to be Redone

·       Disciplinary Probation

·       Dismissal

Each action is described in further detail below.

1.  Allow Remediation and Academic Probation

The SPC determines whether a student will pursue remediation. Directors of courses or clinic rotations cannot initiate remediation for a student’s deficiency until the SPC has convened and decided on the appropriate action based on the student’s overall performance. This approach ensures that a coordinated plan is developed if the student faces challenges in multiple areas.

For students failing one course or rotation in a given academic year, the SPC will recommend one of the following:

·     The student must take a remediation exam as stated in the remediation policy.

·     The student must repeat all or a portion of the entire academic year.

Remediations will be reflected in the student’s official transcript.

If a student does not complete remediation within the timeline set by the SPC, or fails the remediation, they will be automatically dismissed from the program. Students that need remediation are put automatically on academic probation. Academic probation serves as a formal notification to a student that further deficiencies will lead to dismissal. The SPC exercises discretion to ensure that probation serves as a clear warning that dismissal is the next step. Any unsatisfactory progress within the SPC’s purview will lead to academic probation. Violation of LMU-CDM’s guidelines or policies related to personal or professional conduct while under probation will lead to automatic dismissal.

While on academic probation, students are restricted from participating in non-clinical electives, serving in leadership roles in student activities, pursuing paid employment, working toward a concurrent degree, or engaging in any activity that might interfere with their dental school performance without prior permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

Probation shall be either academic or professional probation. All students who fail a course will automatically be placed on academic probation for the remainder of the academic year and may appear before the Student Progress Committee at an officially convened meeting. Once placed on academic probation, a student will be required to attend all lectures and labs and will be required to follow all “at-risk” student policies as outlined by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or Clinical Education and it will be the students responsibility to set up a meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or Dean of Clinical Affairs. Unless specified otherwise, removal from academic probation is automatic upon successful remediation of the course(s) and satisfactory academic progress.

Students on probation should not hold any offices within student organizations

2. Disciplinary Warning

A disciplinary warning addresses minor breaches in conduct, especially when it is evident that the student did not intend to deceive or misuse a right or privilege. The goal is to help the student recognize and correct the behavior. The warning may include specific assignments or activities for the student to complete. A disciplinary warning is documented with a Letter of Reprimand and is included in the student’s Performance Evaluation at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

3. Requirement for Remediation Work

SPC will require remediation of coursework or other graduation requirements but not egregious breaches in conduct. The intent is to have the student understand the consequences of behavior that the student knowingly violated LMU’s Academic and Professionalism Standards.

4. Disciplinary Probation

Students will be placed on disciplinary probation following a breach of LMU’s academic and professional standards. If further conduct issues arise during this probationary period, the student will be automatically dismissed from the program. The duration of disciplinary probation is determined at the time it is imposed. The SPC conducts a vote to authorize the removal of students from disciplinary probation, which is a prerequisite for graduation. The disciplinary probation must include specific assignments or activities for the student to complete

Once placed on disciplinary probation, a student will be required to attend all lectures and labs and will be required to follow all “at-risk” student policies as outlined by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or Dean of Clinical Affairs and it will be the students responsibility to set up a meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or Dean of Clinical Affairs . Unless specified otherwise, removal from disciplinary probation is determined by the SPC.

Students on probation should not hold any offices within student organizations.

5. Dismissal

A student will face dismissal if they fail to meet the academic and/or conduct standards required for graduation as established by LMU-CDM. Even if a student achieves passing grades in individual courses, if their overall record does not align with LMU-CDM’s performance expectations, the SPC will propose dismissal. This recommendation for dismissal can occur at any point during a student's enrollment in dental school and does not require prior placement on probation. Additionally, the SPC will impose a dismissal in cases where there is unmistakable evidence of a significant violation of LMU-CDM’s guidelines or policies related to personal or professional conduct. This includes, but is not limited to:

·       Documented cheating in all coursework, clinical and preclinical sessions, and examinations

·       Intentional misrepresentation of patient information

·       Endangering patient care or safety

·       Unacceptable behavior in the community

·       Breach of the University’s student conduct code

·       Violation of local, state, or federal laws

For students who fail two or more courses or rotations in the same year, the SPC will recommend one of the following:

·       The student must repeat all or a portion of the entire academic year.

·       The student will be dismissed from LMU-CDM.

In addition, once a student starts treating patients, each student is responsible for adhering to the Professional Decorum Standards of the College of Dental Medicine as outlined in the clinical manual. These standards apply in all classrooms, laboratories, and clinical settings, including examinations. Breaches of these standards should be reported to the Office of Clinical Affairs by the Group Leader faculty, staff, or other students via email, detailing the involved parties, infractions, and time of occurrence. The Office of Clinical Affairs will inform the student of the number of Departures awarded. If the student contests the decision, they may discuss the matter with the Dean of Clinical Affairs to seek a resolution.

  1. Class Promotion

At the end of each grading period, the committee reviews the academic progress of all the students. For students assigned an “F” in a course(s), the committee will recommend one of the following: (a) to allow the student to take a remediation exam, (b) to dismiss the student, or (c) to require the student to repeat all or a portion of the entire year of dental school. If a remediation is granted (only one course), the student can move to the next semester.

Students assigned “I” in a course(s) cannot be promoted to the next semester unless they complete the course.

7. Alcohol and Drug Charges or Convictions

Students charged by law enforcement with alcohol or drug violations must contact the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students as soon as possible. The Associate Dean will ensure that the student's health and welfare are prioritized. Throughout the legal process, the Associate Dean will keep the Student Progress Committee (SPC) informed of any developments. After the court's decision, the student will meet with the SPC, which will then recommend an appropriate course of action to the Dean of LMU-CDM, considering the unique circumstances of each case. Students must understand that those with untreated alcohol or substance abuse issues are unfit for patient care. During legal proceedings related to drug or alcohol violations, the student will be placed on leave until the case is resolved.

Following the court’s decision, and after meeting with the student, the Student Progress Committee may recommend that the student be dismissed from CDM school or that the student enter into substance abuse counseling for later re-evaluation by the committee. Following a prescribed course of treatment, the Student Progress Committee will meet again with the student and recommend to the LMU-CDM Dean whether the student can continue as a dental hygiene and dental student.