Professionalism Standards in Social Media

Social media is a term that describes the various web-based networking sites that students use to communicate and connect. The most popular examples are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and Twitter. Blogs are also a form of social media that provide commentary or serve as a personal on-line diary.

Social media has become an integral part of communication and networking for professionals in all fields, including dentistry. While social media platforms offer numerous benefits for connecting with colleagues, patients, and the broader community, it's essential to maintain a high standard of professionalism at all times. As future dental professionals, understanding how to navigate social media responsibly is crucial for upholding the reputation of the profession and fostering trust with patients.

LMU-CDM recognizes the major advantages of social networking sites. Not only do they connect students quickly and widely, but they also provide valuable exchanges of information and the ability to comment, to critique and to carry on dialogue. However, the University also recognizes that this technology imposes additional standards for professional behavior upon dental hygiene, dental and health professions students. A study reported in the Journal of the American Dental Association (September 23/30, 2009; 302: 1309- 1315) found that 60 percent of U.S. dental school deans reported incidents in which students had posted unprofessional content online. The unprofessional postings included profanity, discriminatory statements, alcohol abuse, sexually suggestive material and a few incidents in which patient confidentiality was violated. Maintaining professionalism in social media is essential for protecting patient privacy, upholding the reputation of LMU-CDM, and fostering trust in the dental profession. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a respectful and ethical online community, reflecting the high standards expected of dental professionals.

General Guidelines

1. Confidentiality and HIPAA Compliance: Healthcare providers have a professional obligation to maintain the confidentiality of patient information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) imposes additional obligations of non-disclosure. Some students do not realize that posting information about nameless patients is still a violation of the confidentiality obligation and may be a HIPAA violation. Therefore, when using social networking sites, do not post any information regarding a patient; do not post photos of surgical cases; do not discuss personal characteristics; do not discuss hospital/clinic procedures. Maintain clear boundaries between personal and professional interactions. Avoid "friending" or following patients on social media to preserve a professional patient-provider relationship.

2. Representing LMU-CDM: When representing LMU-CDM, students should ensure their posts uphold the institution's reputation and values, avoiding content that could harm its image. Statements made publicly should clarify that opinions are personal and not necessarily reflective of LMU-CDM. Additionally, appropriate permissions must be obtained before engaging in promotional activities or endorsements involving the school's name, logo, or branding.

3. Anatomy Lab: The dissection lab is made possible through the generosity of individuals who have donated their bodies to further dental studies. Out of respect for body donors and their families, students are not to discuss or disclose any information pertaining to the donor, or to describe dissection stages, outside of the anatomy lab. The honor of learning the art of anatomy from donated bodies calls for the highest levels of respect both inside and outside the lab. Anatomy faculty members provide appropriate training on standards of behavior during the lab sessions. It is the student’s responsibility to carry this training forward and demonstrate appropriate respect for donors in all aspects of academic and professional life. Cameras and cell phones are strictly prohibited in the anatomy lab. The LMU anatomy lab is off-limits to non-CDM personnel, including family and friends of LMU-CDM students.

4. Digital Footprint: While quick and far-reaching, social media are also fairly permanent. Although you may think you have deleted an inappropriate post, it is probably archived in someone’s file. The American Dental and Dental Hygiene Student Association advises students: “If you would be embarrassed if your Dean read your statements, then you are better off not posting them.” Always conduct yourself in a manner that reflects the values and standards of the dental profession. Remember that your online behavior can influence how others perceive your professionalism and competency. Share relevant, educational, and professional content, avoiding offensive or inappropriate material. Engage in respectful and constructive dialogue, steering clear of negative comments or arguments on sensitive topics. Ensure all shared information is accurate and evidence-based, avoiding misinformation. Give proper credit to original sources to prevent plagiarism.

Impact: Prospective employers, residency directors and future patients surf social networking sites to check out your background, interests, and professional standards.

Consequences of Unprofessional Conduct

Violations of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action by LMU-CDM, including but not limited to warnings, suspension, or dismissal from the program. Unprofessional conduct on social media can also have long-term implications for your career, including damage to your reputation and future employment opportunities.