Attendance & Absences


Attendance is expected at all scheduled lectures and required at all clinics, laboratories, seminars, case presentations, small-group sessions, rotations, and scheduled faculty appointments. Attendance is considered a measure of a student's professional conduct. Students who disregard attendance policies may face academic action.

Course directors may take attendance using various methods which includes, but not limited to, sign-in rosters, assigned seating, audience response systems, and quizzes. Classes begin promptly on the hour, and students are expected to be seated at that time. Tardiness or leaving class early will be counted as an absence at the discretion of the course director. The Associate Dean of Faculty and Students will track attendance for mandatory sessions, and failure to attend will result in disciplinary actions as outlined in this document and/or the course syllabus

Attendance records are official school documents. Falsifying these records constitutes academic dishonesty. Using another student’s audience response clicker or signing an attendance sheet for another student are examples of falsified attendance records. Attendance may also impact the course grade as described in the course syllabus.


Excused absences for all CDM students are allowed only if they do not exceed 5% of the total class or preclinical lab sessions (not including the final examination period) for the semester.

Unexcused absences for CDM students may not exceed 2% of the total class meetings or preclinical lab sessions (not including the final examination period) for the semester.

Students who will exceed 2% unexcused absences and, excused absence 5% limit, will appear before the Student Progress Committee. Missing more than 5% of preclinical laboratory sessions will result in those additional sessions not being counted as excused absences and may lead to grade deductions or failure of the course.

A student may request an excused absence from a mandatory event. Excused absences may be granted for the following reasons:

  • Medical necessity: illness of the student or a member of their immediate family
  • Death in the family: the passing of an immediate family member, significant other, close relative, or friend
  • Special circumstances/other: including vehicle accidents, court appearances, participation in weddings, approved religious observances, and other qualifying absences as approved by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students.
  • Students with prior knowledge of the excused absence exceeding the 5% limit are required to fill out the leave of absence form. For more information see the LMU University Leave of Absence Policy.

The student will be required to present with documentation supporting the request for excused absences. Examples for such documentation include but are not limited to: Doctor's note or medical certificate; Death certificate or obituary or funeral program or notice; Counselor or therapist note, Police report; Documentation from a social worker; Letter from religious leader or religious event schedule or notice; official letter or email from university staff or faculty, conference  program, schedule, or conference registration confirmation, Jury duty summons, Court subpoena or notice; Quarantine or isolation order from health authorities or doctor’s note indicating required isolation; Flight cancellation notice; Documentation from public transportation services indicating disruptions, weather advisories or notices or proof of vehicle breakdown or accident report.

All student requests for an excused absence must be made in writing to the Associate Dean for Faculty and Students. When possible, students should make sure to complete the absence request form in advance of their absence. If this is not possible, the form MUST be filled out and submitted within 24 hours of the student’s return to campus. Failure to follow the 24-hour protocol will result in the absence being considered unexcused.

Upon written approval from the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students, it is the student’s responsibility, unexcused and excused absence, to communicate and coordinate a make-up session with the instructor of the course. Students with excused absences will not be penalized. Some activities and points, for example, team-based learning activities and quizzes may not be able to be made up even with an excused absence. It is at the instructor's discretion whether assignments can be made up.