DMD-702: Oral Health Science

Credits 10
Academic Level

This course is continuous, throughout the D1 and D2 year (I - VI) with integrated didactic and laboratory components to take the student from dental materials, dental morphology and occlusion, basic through advanced clinical dentistry including radiology, oral medicine, nutrition, periodontics, rotary endodontics, cariology, operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics including CAD/CAM and implant dentistry, removable prosthodontics, oral surgery including temporomandibular function and dysfunction, pediatric dentistry, and orthodontics including Invisalign while utilizing case-studies and an evidence-based approach to simulate patient cases and treatment. Students will participate in simulated clinical competency evaluations, including radiographic interpretation and diagnosis, oral health sciences, oral medicine, and treatment planning while developing the psychomotor skills necessary to practice Comprehensive General Dentistry.