Mission Statement - DMD

The mission of the Lincoln Memorial University College of Dental Medicine is to develop competent oral health care providers who are committed to the premise that the cornerstone of meaningful existence is service to humanity.

The Mission of LMU-CDM is achieved by:

  1. Graduating competent Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry.
  2. Providing a values-based learning community as the context for teaching, research, patient care, and service.
  3. Improving the oral and general health of the people within the Appalachian region and beyond.
  4. Focusing on enhanced access to comprehensive oral health care for underserved communities.
  5. Investing in quality academic programs supported by superior faculty and technology.
  6. Embracing compassionate, patient-centered, and person-centered oral health care that values diversity, public service, and leadership as an enduring commitment to professionalism and the highest ethical standards.
  7. Facilitating the growth, development, and maintenance of graduate dental education.