Mediasite Policy

Class recordings are distributed for the exclusive use of students in the LMU-CDM class that was recorded. Student access to and use of class recordings are conditioned on agreement with the terms and conditions set out below.

Any student who does not agree to them is prohibited from accessing or making any use of such recordings. Any student accessing class recordings (1) acknowledges the faculty members’ intellectual property rights in recorded lectures and class materials and that distribution of the recordings violates the LMU-CDM Copyright Policy; (2) recognizes the privacy rights of fellow students who speak in class; (3) accepts that distributing, posting, or uploading class recordings to students or any other third party not authorized to receive them or to those outside LMU-CDM is a professionalism violation; and (4) agrees that recordings are to be accessed and used only as directed by the faculty member(s) teaching the course.

It is expressly forbidden to make audio or video recordings of any lectures by either the in-house or adjunct faculty members without prior written permission. Likewise, it is forbidden to distribute such material.