LMU Office of Accessible Education Services

LMU does not discriminate for purposes of admission to LMU or access to LMU’s facilities, programs, and services on the basis of disability. LMU is committed to providing accessible educational support services that enable students with disabilities to participate in, and benefit from, all University programs and activities. Every effort is made to reasonably accommodate the needs of a student with disabilities. As buildings on the LMU campuses are remodeled, care is taken to assure that persons with disabilities have sufficient access to those buildings. In addition to longstanding accommodations, students who need temporary accommodation can also contact accessible services. Policies and procedures for requesting and being granted accommodations are outlined on the LMU website. For more information about requesting an accommodation or LMU’s policy on accessible education services, please visit https://www.lmunet.edu/student-life/accessible-education-services.php.

LMU-CDM is committed to ensuring that otherwise qualified disabled students equally enjoy the benefits of a dental and dental hygiene professional education. Upon written request by a student with a disability, the University will make every reasonable accommodation to enable the student to meet the standards as long as such accommodation does not unreasonably interfere with or substantially alter the LMU-CDM curriculum or interfere with the rights of other students or with the student’s ability to adequately care for the patient. Occasional quizzes are administered in class, extra time will not be granted for these quizzes for students with disabilities.

The affiliate organizations, such as hospitals, that administer the clinical and practical portion of the LMU-CDM curriculum, expect our students to perform their duties in a timely manner as such ability is a critical and essential part of the LMU-CDM curriculum and of the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene in general. Therefore, extra time will generally not be granted to students in clinical scenarios, including rotations and the clinical performance exam. Similarly, the use of trained intermediaries will generally not be approved in clinical situations. LMU will determine whether or not to grant an accommodation based on individual circumstances.


Request for Accommodations

The following procedure must be followed in order for any student with a disability to receive accommodations:

  1. For each semester an accommodation is requested, the student must submit a request for accommodations to the LMU Office of Accessible Education Services and the required documentation (see Documentation Guidelines below).
  2. The ADA Director will discuss with the student arrangements for reasonable accommodations the student should be prepared to discuss specific accommodations needs. The ADA Director, in consultation with General Counsel as necessary, will make a determination regarding the request.
  3. If accommodations are approved, a Student Accommodation Form will be prepared by the ADA Director listing the accommodations. The student will take the form to CDM Student Services Attn: the Director of Academic Support for signature. The Director of Academic Support will maintain the Student Accommodation Form and notify appropriate faculty, staff, and exam monitors.
  4. If a student is not satisfied with decision of the Office Accessible Education Services, the student may file an appeal with the Accommodations Grievance Committee (see Grievance Procedure below).

Grievance Procedure for Students with Disabilities

If a student is not satisfied with the accommodations granted by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students, they have 30 days to file an appeal in writing. If the student remains unsatisfied with the accommodations, they will appeal to the   Office of Accessible Education Services of LMU. All grievances concerning any aspect of the services or accommodations provided to a student with a disability or related to any issue related to Section 504 or the ADA, should be taken to the Grievance Committee.

The standing members of the LMU-CDM Accommodations Grievance Committee will be appointed by the Dean of LMU-CDM. If there is a conflict between a standing member and the student filing the appeal, then the standing member may be replaced by another faculty member appointed by the Dean. If the student has new or additional documentation relating to the candidate’s disability, the candidate may submit this material to the Grievance Committee. The purpose of the appeal is to look at the material that was originally presented to the Office of Accessible Education Services. If the student has material or documentation that elaborates on the original request, they may present this material to the Grievance Committee. The Committee will conduct a thorough review of the appeal. The Grievance Committee will make their recommendation to the Dean of LMU-CDM within ten working days after meeting with the student. The decision of the Grievance Committee is final.