Course and Faculty Evaluation

The primary purpose of the course and faculty evaluation process is to provide feedback to help each course director and instructor improve the quality of their instruction. Written comments are particularly valuable in this regard. Therefore, students are requested to spend at least 5 minutes responding to the open-ended questions. These responses are available to the Department Heads but are primarily used by course directors to enhance their classes in future semesters.

The second purpose is to assist LMU-CDM in making informed decisions about courses and faculty. Course evaluation results can be used to improve the structure, format, and delivery of courses. Numerical ratings from each class are aggregated to produce averages at the class, course, subject, department, college, and university levels, which are then made available to the associate deans, department heads, and course directors.

Course evaluations are opened to students three weeks before the last day of classes. Students can access the evaluations through Canvas or via links that are automatically emailed to them. They have the entire three-week period (up until Reading Day) to complete their evaluations. Shortly after final semester grades are submitted, the results of the course evaluations are made available to faculty.