Alcohol and Drug Charges or Convictions

Students who are charged by law enforcement with alcohol or drug violations must contact the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students as soon as possible. The Associate Dean of Faculty and Students will work with the student to make sure that the student’s health and welfare are of primary importance. As the case moves through the courts, the Associate Dean of Faculty and Students will also keep the Student Progress Committee informed of the legal outcomes. Following the court’s decision and keeping in mind that no two cases are the same, the student will meet with the Student Progress Committee, who will make a recommendation to the Dean about the appropriate course of action. Students must recognize that a student with an untreated alcohol or other substance abuse issue is by definition unfit to continue in a patient care capacity.

During any legal proceedings related to drug or alcohol abuse, the student may be placed on leave while the case moves through the courts.

Following the court’s decision, and after meeting with the student, the Student Progress Committee may recommend that the student is dismissed from CDM school or that the student enter into substance abuse counseling for later re-evaluation by the committee. Following a proscribed course of treatment, the Student Progress Committee will meet again with the student and recommend to the Dean whether the student can continue as a dental hygiene and dental student.